Marketing Tools + Strategy for Authors

Welcome! Author Ads Intensive is a place for authors who are serious about building a profitable, sustainable career with their books for their families.

Marketing Tools + Strategy for Authors

Welcome! Author Ads Intensive is a place for authors who are serious about building a profitable, sustainable career with their books for their families.

Take control of your book sales!

You know how to write great books, but how do you sell them? Amazon and social media algorithms are always changing, but you can take control with direct sales.

Sell more of those beautiful books you worked so hard to write and receive the royalties you deserve...

DIRECT SALES FOR ROMANCE AUTHORS is happening now! Registration open for a limited time only, so sign up now.

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How to Choose the Clickiest Cover

"My book has great reviews, but it isn't selling that many copies."

Has that ever happened to you?

There are two parts to the selling equation: visibility and conversion. Visibility includes things like Facebook ads and TikTok. Those things are important, but the truth is they are not enough. Your book cover might work great for your existing fans... but you already have them. The question is: Does your book cover convert new readers?

You could ask your author friends, but that's anecdotal. You could poll your reader group, but their opinion is biased. Instead use data to figure out what really makes readers click.


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